Hot-dip galvanizing and continuous annealing dual-use line is a new type line, which can better adapt to the market demand of hot-dip galvanizing products and continuous annealing Products. 热镀锌和连续退火两用生产机组是一种新的机组型式,可以更好的适应市场对于热镀锌产品和连续退火产品的不同需求。
Development of a computer hybrid control system for continuous annealing furnace of hot dip galvanizing 热镀锌退火炉的计算机混合控制系统开发
The functions, equipment structure, development of control system and main performance indexes of continuous annealing simulator are introduced. 阐述了该实验机的功能、设备结构、控制系统的开发和主要性能指标。
Development of the Research on Misalignment and Buckling of Strip in Continuous Annealing Furnace 连续退火炉内带钢跑偏和热瓢曲研究进展
The effects of batch annealing ( BA) and continuous annealing ( CA) on mechanical properties and hydrogen storage property of ultra-low-carbon enamelled steels were investigated. 研究了两种不同退火工艺&罩式退火和连续退火工艺对含钛超低碳搪瓷钢板成型性能和贮氢性能的影响。
Phenomenon of Strip Steel Heat Buckle in Vertical Continuous Annealing Furnace and Treatment Methods 立式连续退火炉内带钢的热瓢曲现象及处理办法
Effect of Cold-Rolling Reduction on Recrystallization of Extra Low Carbon Bake-Hardening Steel Sheet During Continuous Annealing; 研究分析烘烤温度、烘烤时间、预应变量等烘烤条件对超低碳烘烤硬化钢烘烤硬化性能的影响。
Application and Technical Features of Continuous Annealing Line for Cold Rolled Strip 冷轧带钢连续退火机组的技术特点及应用
In the paper, the structure of morden continuous annealing furnace was introduced. 文章介绍了现代用于冷轧不锈带钢生产的连续退火炉的组成及结构。
The Continuous Annealing Process for Cold-rolled Non-oriented Electrical Steel 冷轧无取向电工钢连续退火工艺研究
The Effect of Si-Mn-P on Mechanical Property of Cold-Rolled Continuous Annealing IF Steel Si-Mn-P元素对冷轧连续退火IF钢力学性能的影响
Study on Strip Breakage Inside Furnace of Continuous Annealing Line of Cold Rolled Sheet 冷轧薄板连续退火线炉内断带原因分析
The Improved Design of the Monitoring System for Welding Machines of Continuous Annealing Lines 连续退火机组焊机监控系统的改进设计
Influence of Continuous Annealing Temperature on Microstructure and Properties of 780 MPa Cold Rolled Dual Phase Steel 不同退火温度对冷轧780MPa级双相钢组织性能的影响
Effects of Continuous Annealing Line on the surface Quailty of Non-oriented Silicon Steel Strip 浅谈连续脱碳退火机组对无取向电工钢表面质量的影响
Galvanizing and Continuous Annealing of Dual-Use Technology Research on Existing Hot-Dip Galvanizing Line 在现有热镀锌机组上实现镀锌和退火两用生产的工艺研究
The application of quartz ceramics roll in silicon steel continuous annealing furnace was introduced. 本文介绍了石英陶瓷辊在硅钢连续退火炉中的应用情况。
Research of Hot Waving Principle and Control Method for Thick Strip of Continuous Annealing Process Line 薄板连续退火机组热瓢曲机理与控制方法研究
In this paper, the influencing factor of Continuous Annealing on the surface quality of cold rolled silicon steel strip is introduced. 本文介绍了连续脱碳退火机组对冷轧硅钢板带表面质量的影响因素,提出了连续脱碳退火机组提高冷轧板带质量的措施。
Effect of Overaging in Continuous Annealing Process on Microstructures and Properties of C-Mn Steel 连续退火过时效工艺对碳锰钢组织和性能的影响
Continuous annealing of Ti and Ti+ Nb bearing ultra-low carbon bake hardening steels Ti和Ti+Nb处理的超低碳烘烤硬化钢连续退火研究
Design of Separating Device for Continuous Annealing Furnace Atmosphere Double Baffle 连续退火炉气氛双挡板隔离装置设计分析
Effecting to Cold Rolled Non-Oriented Steel by Continuous Annealing 连退工艺对冷轧无取向电工钢性能的影响
Application of Residual Heat Recovery Technology of the Continuous Annealing Furnace and the Energy-saving Schemes 连续退火炉余热回收技术应用与节能方案
Effect of the Recrystal Texture During the Continuous Annealing Process by the Chemical Composition and the Temperature 化学成分及退火温度对连续退火再结晶织构的影响
Influence of Protective Atmosphere and Furnace Structure on Steel Strip Cooling Characteristics in Continuous Annealing Furnace 连续退火炉中保护气氛及结构特性对带钢冷却特性的影响